Guidelines & Agreement
- Proper decorum is expected from the users. Disruptive behavior and bringing in and consumption of food and drinks are strictly prohibited.
- A maximum of ten (10) minutes of discussion room inspection to be conducted by the assigned Library staff is performed before and after use of the discussion room to ensure that furniture and fixtures are in order and in good working condition before the next group is allowed access in the reserved space.
- Failure to arrive within the first thirty (30) minutes of the reserved time slot shall render the reservation null and void.
- Patrons are required to accomplish the online user profile form (which will take about less than five minutes to fill out) before using the discussion rooms. This component is vital in the reporting, monitoring, and evaluation of the Library services.
- In cases where classes are suspended due to severe weather disturbances, reservations made for the affected date and time are automatically cancelled.
- Other usage for the discussion rooms can be arranged with the UA&P LIB Info desk staff.
- The University Student Government, whose office is located in the University Student Commons mezzanine, may randomly monitor the use of the discussion rooms and has the right to report any misconduct of users including the improper use of the discussion rooms to the University Library staff.
Accountability Agreement
Accountability Agreement
I/We hold myself /group-mates/student organization accountable for any damages and loss from use of the requested Discussion Room including any damages/loss of furniture and equipment inside the above mentioned reserved space.
I/ We, adhere to the following conditions:
- In case of any damage or loss, I/We, shall replace with the same brand/specification or pay the full current cost of the items used (e.g., LED Display, Remote Control, HDMI cable/s, Discussion Room Table with built-in power outlets, Swivel and soft seat chairs, White board eraser, White board markers)
- I/We shall abide in the Discussion room guidelines for the duration of our space reservation.
- I/We shall ensure that the above-requested room shall be left clean, orderly and in good condition after the activity.
- I/We s hall report damages or suspected problem immediately to the UniversityLibrary Infodesk.
- We understand that any violation in the terms of use set out in this accountability agreement will result in the RESTRICTION OF MY/OUR BORROWING PRIVILEGES INCLUDING ALL OTHER SERVICES RENDERED BY THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FOR ONE SEMESTER.
I/We have read and understood the contents of this Accountability Agreement and I/We agree to abide with the above terms and conditions.